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Feedback received

Every beginning is tough, especially for a new creators, therefore I have created this page as a reminder of how it looked at the very beginning:​


@TJJohn12:  You don’t Twitter follow bomb an inherently collaborative community to gain their attention then demand they NOT collaborate - it’s gotta be for the spoopyness
@trombone: Yeah I don’t think it would be wise to make people do it alone

@beeptest: An unenforceable demand that actively reduces interest and community over your game...

@Laches: Just looking over it. This is incredibly obtuse.

@trombone: Yes, I agree.

@Laches: How much longer before we get a hint for the hint for the hint.​

@beeptest: These puzzles are hard enough without intentionally fuzzy clues lmao

@Eris: Death: No more hints. Also Death: This puzzle is a hint

@LatentMoths: i've been thinking the same thing. it feels like these "hints" were planned out ahead of time as being necessary.

@Latent Moths: good way to make me lose interest. don't like wasting energy on puzzles that aren't intended to be solved yet. happy to be wrong though

@Lili Ardat: It's really kind of weird, isn/t it? I'm very bad at puzzles but no one seems to have been able to make any headway at all.
@mediocre: if latent has no hope, neither do i

@LatentMoths: i always have hope

@TJJohn12: They’re listening...​

@Archaicjinn: Sometimes games only advance if you post the progress

@Laches: I definitely have hope. But I also have annoy

@Steven Lamidor: A sliver of annoyance, no doubt.​

@Steven Lamidor: It does feel like being thrown in the deep end a bit, not gonna lie.
@Lili Ardat: Yeah, super hard ones right out of the gate

@Steven Lamidor: Usually you want to bring people in.

@Trombone: they did, with quality lol

@Steven Lamidor: And a hard puzzle is... just not what you would want, usually.

@mediocre: now we're all bonding over being annoyed

@Lili Ardat: The art seems to be original and looks reallly good

@Steven Lamidor: It does create talk, but it doesn't advance things along, which slightly irks me.​

@Lili Ardat: But so far next to zero story or characters


@Paradox Factor: It looks more like a blob of ink dripped on it

@YankeeWhite: :thinking:

@OptiPri: to me it just looks like a boatload of puzzles with no story which isn't really my cup of tea

@Zoose: I was going to suggest maybe it wasn't death related

@Vee Cee 265: Death knows no borders

@trombone: I swear I tried that lol

@Magical Witch Luna: It's a bit too complex for my taste
@Lili Ardat: I will be glad to watch others figure it out

@Vee Cee 265:​ And I'll make useless observations that distracts the people working to figure it out

@Faustus: Schedule is cleared for the next 48 hours, fresh pot of coffee is ready, head is ready to be banged against this wall. Lets go! lol

@Steven Lamidor: Not my kind, honestly. I much prefer ciphers and all that, but I do want to be kept in the loop.

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